January Study Skills workshops - start this Thursday 12.30pm

January Study Skills workshops - start this Thursday 12.30pm

by Matthew Murphy -
Number of replies: 1

Hi everyone, 

Please see attached poster for details of Study Skills workshops for EAP / PQP / FS / MUPC(X) / Diploma students on Thursday and Fridays over the next 3 weeks, all at 12,30pm. 

These workshops are optional, but recommended - they could help you strengthen certain skill areas and better prepare for your university studies. 

Kind regards,


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Attachment Study Skills Workshops.jpg
In reply to Matthew Murphy

Re: January Study Skills workshops - start this Thursday 12.30pm

by Matthew Murphy -
Hi all,

Please note that these workshops are only for current Murdoch College students on EAP / PQP / FS / MUPC (X) / Dip programmes i.e. not General English, and not students who have already progressed to Murdoch University. 
I look forward to seeing some of you at 12.30pm today. 

Kind regards, 


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